Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding

Charge to the Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding


The Committee on Intercultural and Global Understanding (CIGU) is a subcommittee of the Institutional Policy and Planning Committee (IPPC专用) that advises the 总统 and other College officials and bodies as appropriate regarding issues related to 跨文化和全球理解.

In taking this work, CIGU will take into account a comprehensive institutional view and, in particular, will be guided by Goal II of the College's 战略计划,其中说:

We will challenge every Skidmore student to develop the intercultural understanding and global awareness necessary to thrive in the complex and increasingly interconnected 21世纪的世界.

More specifically, CIGU will advise on policy issues, practices, and procedures relating to diversity, 跨文化和全球理解, intercultural literacy, issues of campus climate, and other related matters.

The CIGU also will serve as a resource for the College officials charged with coordinating and implementing the College's strategic efforts in these areas, namely the Director of Intercultural Studies, the Director of the Office of 学生多元化计划, and the Assistant Director for EEO and Workforce 多样性.

CIGU will ensure that any College-wide policy matters related to its charge are referred 提交国际植物保护公约审议. CIGU, however, may introduce appropriate campus initiatives on its own accord, creating working groups or involving other offices as appropriate. CIGU shall report to the 总统 regularly (at least once each semester) and may invite the 总统 to attend meetings as appropriate. 

Because of the significant overlap in membership of CIGU and the 偏见反应组, the College's 偏见反应组 will function as a subcommittee of CIGU. 会员 of the 偏见反应组 and methods of appointment are set forth in the 偏差响应协议. The 总统, in consultation with the chair of CIGU, will continue to appoint 偏见应对小组协调员. CIGU will then be responsible for overseeing the work of the 偏见反应组 and recommending changes as appropriate to the 总统.


  • 跨文化研究主任   
  • Director of the Office of 学生多元化计划
  • Assistant Director for EEO and Workforce 多样性
  • Associate 学院院长 for Personnel, Development, and 多样性
  • Two faculty members elected for three-year terms through a willingness-to-serve 过程 administered by the Faculty 执行委员会
  • One student member appointed through the 学生会 Association willingness-to-serve 过程
  • The 学生会 Association Vice 总统 for 多样性 Affairs
  • One non-exempt staff member elected for a three-year term by a willingness-to-serve 过程 administered by the Office of the 总统
  • One representative from the Office of 招生 appointed by the Dean of 招生 和财政援助
  • One representative from the Office of 校外学习与交流 appointed by 那个办公室的主任
  • Chair of the 偏见反应组 (BRG), a subcommittee of CIGU
  • Director of the Office of 机会计划s or her/his designee


  • Two students, one of whom will be the SGA VP of 多样性 Affairs
  • Assistant Director of 人力资源 for EEO and Workforce 多样性
  • 学生多样性项目主任
  • 跨文化研究主任 or other academic leadership
  • One faculty member appointed by the 总统 with the concurrence of the Faculty 执行委员会
  • One additional 学生事务 representative (at the level of the Associate Dean 或更高版本)

The Chair of the CIGU will be elected by its members from among the faculty representatives 并应担任国际植物保护公约的成员.  The Chair may designate a Co-Chair from among the CIGU membership; in that case, the agenda for the subcommittee will be set by 这两个.

Original charge approved by the Intercultural and Global Understanding Task Force (IGUTF) and the Institutional Policy and Planning Committee (IPPC专用) April 18, 2008. 

Charge revised and approved by IPPC专用 in November 2010.

Charge updated and approved by CIGU September 27, 2011, and approved by IPPC专用 October 21, 2011.