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Skidmore College
Skidmore McGraw Microscopy Imaging Center - SMMIC

Microscopy-based Research

许多火博体育学院的教职员工正在从事以显微镜为基础的研究 SMMIC.  For more information, see their individual webpages below.  If you are student 并想了解更多火博体育显微镜或使用显微镜中心为您的 independent research, contact your research advisor, or lily Kozel

Dr. David Domozych中芯国际生物学系教授,主任:植物细胞生物学,植物进化

Dr. Janson Breves,生物学系副教授:脊椎动物内分泌系统研究 a variety of fish models (e.g., Mozambique tilapia, Atlantic salmon, mummichog, and zebrafish)

Dr. Jennifer Bonner,副教授,生物系:利用斑马研究脊髓神经生物学 fish as a model organism

Dr. Sarita Lagalwar,副教授,神经科学:神经退行性疾病的研究 mouse and human models

Dr. Javier Perez-Moreno,物理系副教授:偏振光显微镜,光子带 gap engineering research

Dr. Sylvia Franke-McDevitt,生物学系副教授:微生物金属稳态研究


Recent Publications from SMIC Users

LoRicco J. G., Kozel L., Bagdan K., Epstein R., Domozych D.S. (2023)高尔基体和细胞外基质分泌的内sidin 5破坏 in the unicellular charophyte Penium margaritaceum, Annals of Botany, Volume 131, Issue 6, Pages 967–983,

Domozych, D.S, LoRicco J. G.(2023) The extracellular matrix of green algae. Plant Physiology, doi:10.1093/plphys/kiad384

Laboy JT, Bonner J, Norman KR. (2023)含有寿司结构域的蛋白DEC-7/SUSD2调控一个超链蛋白 肠上皮Ca2+振荡介导的秀丽隐杆线虫行为. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 324(5):C1158-C1170. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00552.2022. Epub 2023 Apr 17.PMID: 37067458

Domozych, D.S., Bagdan K. (2022)蕨类植物的细胞生物学:探索过去和未来的模型. Plant Physiology, 190:1588-1608. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiac390

Lagalwar, S. (2022)基于隧道纳米管的神经退行性疾病传播机制 proteins.  Frontiers of Molecular Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.957067

Domozych D.S., Kozel L., Lopez K.P. (2021)渗透胁迫对细胞壁-质膜的影响
domains of the unicellular streptophyte, Penium margaritaceum. Protoplasma 258: 1231–1249

Breves J.P., Nelson N.N., Koltenyuk V., Petro-Sakuma C.K., Celino-Brady F.T., Seale A.P. (2021) ncc1和clc2c在肾脏和膀胱中的表达增强 freshwater acclimation in Mozambique tilapia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 260: 111021.

Huang H., Toker N., Burr E., Okoro J., Moog M., Hearing C., Lagalwar S. (2021) Ataxin-1突变体的细胞间繁殖和聚集播种. J Mol Neurosci

Domozych D.S., Sun L., Lopez K.P., Reed R., Jeon S., Li M., Jiao C., Sørensen I., Fei Z. and Rose J.K. (2020) Endomembrane architecture 以及单细胞叶藻分泌细胞外基质过程中的动力学, Penium margaritaceum. Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 71, Issue 11, 3323–3339

Lopez K.P., Sun L., Reed R., Kang E., Sørensen I., RoseJ.K. and Domozych D.S. (2020) Experimental Manipulation
单细胞叶藻(Penium Margaritaceum)细胞壁中果胶结构的研究. Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 11, Article 1032

Jiao C., Sørensen I., Sun X., Sun H., BeharH., Alseekh S., Philippe G.,Lopez K.P., Sun L., Reed R., Jeon S., Kiyonami R., Zhang S., Fernie A.R., Brumer H., Domozych D.S., Fei Z., Rose J.K. (2020)牡丹基因组:起源的标志 of Land Plants. Cell 181, 1–15

Breves J.P.,Starling J.A., Popovski C.M..Doud J.M.,Tipsmark C.K.,Salinity‑dependent expression mummicho (Fundulus heteroclitus)的眼上皮和鳃中ncc2的含量;Journal of Comparative Physiology B (2020) 190, 219–230

Sarasija S, Laboy JT, Ashkavand Z, Bonner J, Tang Y, Norman KR. (2018)早老素突变解除了线粒体Ca2+稳态 以及导致秀丽隐杆线虫神经退行性变的代谢活动. Elife. 2018 Jul 10;7:e33052. doi: 10.7554/eLife.33052.PMID: 29989545

psamrez Ortiz JM, Mollema N, Toker N, Adamski CJ, O'Callaghan B, Duvick L, Friedrich 张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军。 Lagalwar S. (2018)浦肯野蛋白激酶a介导的ATXN1-S776磷酸化的降低 cells delays onset of Ataxia in a SCA1 mouse model. Neurobiol Dis. 116:93-105. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2018.05.002.

Ferro A, Carbone E, Zhang J, Marzouk E, Villegas M, Siegel A, Nguyen D, Possidente T, Hartman J, Polley K, Ingram MA, Berry G, Reynolds TH, Possidente B, Frederick K, Ives S, Lagalwar S..(2017)短期琥珀酸治疗可减轻小脑线粒体OXPHOS 浦肯病特异性脊髓小脑性共济失调的功能障碍、神经变性和共济失调 type 1 (SCA1) mouse model. PLoS One. Dec 6;12(12):e0188425. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188425. eCollection 2017

Ferro, A., Carbone, E., Marzouk, E., Siegel, A., Nguyen, D., Polley, K., Hartman,J., Frederick K., Ives, S., Lagalwar, S.. (2017) 用水溶性化合物治疗SCA1小鼠非特异性促进线粒体 Function. J. Vis.Exp. (119), e53758, doi:10.3791/53758. 

Uluisik S., Chapman N.H., Smith R., Poole M., Adams G., Gillis R.B., Besong T.M., Sheldon J., Stiegelmeyer S., Perez L., Samsulrizal N., Wang D., Fisk I.D., Yang N., Baxter C., Rickett D., Fray R., Blanco-Ulate B., Powell A.L., Harding S.E., Craigon J., Rose J.K., Fich E.A., Sun L., Domozych D.S., Fraser P.D., Tucker G.A., Grierson D., Seymour G.B. (2016) Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening. Nature Biotechnology 34 (9):950-952

Domozych, D. S. (2016) Biosynthesis of the Cell Walls of the Algae. In: The Physiology of Microalgae (ed: Borowitzka, M.A.., Beardall, J. and Raven, J.A.), Springer International; Switzerland, pp. 47-63.

Domozych, D. S. (2015) Cell wall evolution and diversity. In: Polysaccharides (ed: K.G. Ramawat, J.-M. Meriilon), Springer International; Switzerland, pp. 53- 79.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E., and Ver Straeten, C.V., 2015, Palynology, dacryconarids and the lower 中泥盆世基底chotenik事件:来自布拉格和阿巴拉契亚盆地的案例研究. In Becker, R.T., P. Konigshof, and C.E. Brett, Eds., Devonian Climate, Sea-Level and Evolutionary Events, Geological Society of London, Special Publications, v. 423.

Domozych, D. S. and Domozych, C. E. (2014)绿藻的多细胞性:在有壁复合体中放大. Frontiers in Plant Science (doi: 10.3389/pls.2014). 

Domozych, D. S. (2014)一种用于植物细胞研究的单细胞模式生物——牡丹 wall architecture and dynamics" Plants 3: 543-558. 

Domozych, D. S. Sørensen, I., Popper, Z. A., Ochs, J., Andreas, A., Fangel, J. U., Pielach, A., Sacks, C., Brechka, H., Willats, W. G. T. and Rose, J. K. C. (2014) Pectin metabolism and assembly in the cell gall of the Charophyte Green alga Penium margaritaceum. Plant Physiology 165: 105-118. 

Domozych, D. S., Sørensen, I., Sacks, C., Brechka, H., Andreas, A., Fangel, J. U., Rose, J. K. C.  Willats, W. G. T. and Popper, Z. A. (2014)微管网络的破坏改变了纤维素沉积并导致 绿藻(Penium margaritaceum)细胞壁中果胶分布的主要变化. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 465-479. 

Sørensen, I. Fei, Z., Andreas, A., Willats, W. G. T., Domozych, D. S. and Rose, J. K. C. (2014)培宁草稳定转化及反向遗传分析 玛格丽塔藻:一个研究绿藻的平台,它是绿藻的直系祖先 of land plants. Plant Journal 77: 339–351. 

Ochs, J., LaRue, T., Tinaz, B., Yongue, C. and Domozych, D. S. (2014)单细胞皮层细胞骨架网络和细胞壁动力学 charophycean green alga Penium margaritaceum. Annals of Botany 114: 11237-1250. 

Larson, E. R., Domozych, D. S. and Tierney, M. L. (2014) SNARE VTI13在内体运输中发挥独特作用 液泡通道,是细胞壁组织和根毛所必需的 growth in Arabidopsis. Annals of Botany 114: 11147-1150. 

Pielach, A., Leroux, O., Domozych, D.S., Knox, J.P. and Popper, Z. A. (2014) Arabinogalactan protein-rich cell walls, paramural 沉积物和有弹性的小球体定义了鼻花科的透明体 haustoria. Annals of Botany 114: 1359-1376. 

Domozych, D. S., Fujimoto, C. and LaRue, T. (2013)植物王国的极地扩张动态:一个多样化和多功能 journey on the path to pollen tubes. Plants 2: 148-173.

Buda, G.J., Barnes, W.J., Fich, E.A., Park, S., Yeats, T.H., Zhao, L., Domozych, D.S. and Rose, J.K.C. (2013)角质层需要ATP结合盒转运体 小立苔的蜡沉积和干燥耐性. Plant Cell 25: 4000-4013.

Ulvskov, P., Paiva, D.S., Domozych D.S., and Harholt, J. (2013)糖基转移酶的分类、命名及进化历史 from sequenced green and red algal genomes. PLOS ONE 8: e76511

Domozych, D.S., Ciancia, M., Fangel, J.U., Mikkelsen, M.D., Ulvskov, P. and Willats, W.G.T. (2012) 绿藻的细胞壁:一次进化和多样性之旅. Frontiers in Plant Physiology doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00082.

Domozych, D.S. (2012)在植物细胞生物学中对四维成像的探索:这只是一个 matter of time. Annals of Botany 110: 461-474.

Yeats, T. H., Martin, L. B. B., Viart, H., Isaacson, T., He, Y., Zhao, L., Matas, A.J., Buda, G. J., Domozych, D.S., Clausen, M. H. and Rose, J. K. C. (2012) The identification of cutin synthase: formation of the plant polyester cutin. Nature Chemical Biology doi:10.1038/nchembio.960

Sørensen, I., Rose, J. K. C., Doyle, J. J., Domozych, D. S., and Willats, W.G.T. (2012). The Charophycean green algae as model systems to study 植物细胞壁和其他进化适应产生了陆地植物. Plant Signaling and Behavior 7: 1–3.

Sørensen, I., Pettolino, F., Bacic, A., Ralph J., Lu, F., O'Neill, M., Fei, Z. Rose, J.K.C., Domozych, D.S. and Willats, W.G.T. (2011) The Charophycean green algae provide insights into the early origins of plant cell walls. Plant Journal 68, 201-211.

Domozych, D.S., Brechka, H., Britton, A. and Toso, M. (2011)单细胞绿藻细胞壁生长及其调控动力学 margaritaceum: Live Cell Labeling with Monoclonal Antibodies. Journal of Botany doi:10.1155/2011/632165.

Popper, Z.A., Michel, G., Hervé, C., Domozych, D.S., Willats, W.G.T., Tuohy, M.G., Kloareg, B. and Stengel, D.B. (2011) Evolution and Diversity of Plant Cell Walls: From Algae to Flowering Plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology 62, 567-590.

Beck A., Watt, R. and Bonner J. (2013) Mounting of zebrafish embryos for optimal microscopy.  Journal of Visual Experimentation (84), e50703, doi:10.3791/50703  Online Video

Ross A., Bonner J. (2012)使用氯化锂激活Wnt信号:一个基于查询的模型 of Undergraduate Laboratory Exercises. Zebrafish 9(4):220-5.
Spooner P.M., Bonner J., Maricq A.V., Benian G.M., Norman K.R. (2012) Large isoforms of UNC-89 obscurin 秀丽隐杆线虫的肌肉细胞结构和钙释放需要什么.  PLoS One 7(7):e40182.
Bonner J., Letko M., Nikolaus O.B., Krug L., Cooper A., Chadwick B., Conklin P., Lim A., Chien C-B, Dorsky R.I. (2012) Midline crossing is not required for subsequent pathfinding decisions in commissural neurons. Neural Development 7(1):18.
Gribble S.L., Kim H.S., Bonner J., Wang X., Dorsky R.I.  (2009) Tcf3 inhibits spinal cord neurogenesis by regulating sox4a expression.  Development 136(5):781-9.
Bonner J., Gribble S.L., Veien E.S., Nikolaus O.B., Weidinger G., Dorsky R.I.  (2008) Proliferation 图案是在脊髓背侧下游独立调节的 canonical Wnt signaling.  Developmental Biology 313(1):398-407.

Underlined= Skidmore Students or researchers

Bold= Skidmore Faculty