Skidmore College

Green Grant

The SGA Green Grant is a $10,000 competitive grant managed by the Sustainability Commission in collaboration with the Sustainability Office to support students in pursuing sustainable 为改善学生生活和环境而采取的措施. The Green Grant is funded by the SGA and was first approved for the 2023-2024 academic year. The projects must be based on Skidmore’s 校园可持续发展计划 while addressing intersecting spheres within sustainability such as social equity, economic viability, and environmental stewardship. 所有学生都有资格申请绿色奖学金. The Green Grant Review Committee will review project applications and determine project awards.

2023-2024 Awards

  • Reusable Hotel Pan Lids for Dining Services - $3,650 - Kimberly Rivera '24
  • Wildflower & 传粉者草地- 950美元-苔丝·马洛伊'26 & Rachel Scholl '26
  • Chapel Native Garden - $4,640 - Stefan Tzaprev '26 & Colson Warren '26
  • Microgreen Tent - $760 - Emilios Christodoulou'24

绿色拨款覆核委员会 (GGRC) is comprised of faculty, staff, and student representation. The committee members were chosen to embody Skidmore College’s interdisciplinary 可持续发展方针和努力.


  • 联合主席:Apolonia Alvarez, SGA可持续发展委员会主席
  • Co-Chair: Tarah Rowse, 可持续发展项目和评估主任
  • ESS学院代表: Karen Kellogg环境科学与研究副教授
  • 设施及服务代表: Bruce Murray,设施总监
  • 领导活动部代表: Emily Poole, 领导活动副主任 
  • 指定学生代表: Grace Coale, Class of ‘25

All applicants will be required to fill out the Green Grant application and submit 这是绿色拨款的邮件. 每组只需要提交一份申请 or individual. 

The projects selected for funding must use their own time overseen by the designated 指导教师完成项目. 顾问必须与他们赞助的申请人会面。 at the start of the project and as needed after to keep their sponsored applicant(s) 按照他们批准的时间表进行. 顾问应该提供指导 and oversight of the project throughout the entirety of its execution. Lastly, advisors are to be informed on the Student Government Association Bylaws Title VIII: Financial 政策和程序.第13号,绿色授权和第33-36号决议:绿色 Grant Act. 

Additionally, once the project is completed, participant(s) must present their project to the SGA Senate at the following SGA Senate meeting on the impacts and results of the project. Throughout the entirety of the implementation of the project, the participant(s) must report to the Green Grant Review Committee Co-Chairs at least once a month for 更新和反馈. 


The SGA Sustainability Commission and Sustainability Office are committed to being a consistent resource to students throughout the application and implementation process. The SGA Sustainability Commission will hold an annual Green Grant workshop event in the fall semester to answer questions students may have about the Green Grant and serve as a networking opportunity to bring students together who may have similar 可持续的利益和措施. 绿色拨款覆核委员会成员将 也鼓励你参加.

时间(2023 - 2024)
  • 2023年10月:绿色基金启动和推广开始 
  • 2023年10月18日:绿色拨款申请工作坊
  • 2023年12月15日:申请截止日期
  • 春季学期:公布资助项目
  1. 爱达荷大学可持续发展倡议基金项目 
    • 传粉者花园复兴
      • Amount: $1,600
      • The awarded team revived the existing pollinator garden on campus to attract native pollinators. 
    • Hartung Grasses
      • Amount: $2,728
      • The awarded student replaced a 12,500 square feet section of lawn grass on-campus 有耐旱的草. 新草需要较少的割草和浇水 校园用水和碳足迹.
    • 水培绿墙
        • Amount: $2,177
        • The awarded team built a hydroponics green wall where they grow fresh herbs and greens 在校园里卖给学生.
  2. 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的绿色基金
    • 德州联合种植园
      • Amount: $1,580
      • Awarded to the Texas Union for the construction of a vertical garden.
  3. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的绿色基金 
    • Alumin8
      • Amount: $8,936.54
      • The awarded team collects aluminum cans and re-purposes them into permanent items to be donated to homeless shelters and other services around Lincoln. The Green Fund Grant allows the project to be campus-wide and offers an easy understanding for individuals 火博体育如何延长物品的寿命.
    • Bugeater Farms
      • Amount: $4,265
      • The awarded student revitalized the farming production on unproductive farmland on campus and spent the funding reestablishing seed collection and investing in new tools.
  • The Green Grant is based on developing the interdisciplinary aspect of sustainability 在火博体育学院. 因此,绿色奖学金对所有学生都是开放的 他们想要/选择的兴趣专业. 什么将决定所选择的项目 be its alignment with Skidmore’s Sustainability Plan and the development of sustainability 在火博体育学院.
  • Graduating seniors are more than welcome to participate in applying for Green Grant! It is important to consider the timeline of your project as the Green Grant does not cover additional housing fees or wages that may be required if the project is designed 延长到夏季或下一个学年. However, Skidmore College has many resources available for graduating seniors that fund summer housing. 
  • In addition to the Fall Semester Green Grant Workshop, you can send any questions 或者对邮件的关注 greengrant@joyerianicaragua.com and one of the Green Grant Review Committee Co-Chairs will respond to your inquiry.
  • In the fall semester of 2023, SuCo will be hosting a 环保补助金申请 Workshop which will consist of an opportunity where students can connect and meet with other 有兴趣的参加者组成小组申请. 
  • The Green Grant is a pilot program for the academic year 2023-2024. SGA将进行评估 its continued support of the program based on student interest and project outcomes. 
  • Yes! The $10,000 budget does not have to cover the entirety of the project. Projects would need to have identified and secured the additional funding to be approved for Green Grant funds and must follow all SGA and Green Grant policies.