

The Department of Political Science was a pioneer in establishing internships at Skidmore and works closely with the Office of Career Services and with the 校友 Affairs Office 扩大学生的机会.实习 give you practical skills and work experience that enhance your classroom 学习. Our students have interned with elected officials at the national, state, and local levels, a host of lobbying, nonprofit, and public entities, and private law firms 和顾问.

An exhaustive list of American, international, political theory, New York state and local internships as well as funding opportunities is available on 特纳教授的网站. You can also contact 教授essor Turner, the internship coordinator in the Political 科学系. In addition, the Career Services office (Starbuck Center) maintains 实习电子图书馆. 您可以注册并访问这些列表 through any computer connected to the main system (joyerianicaragua.com/administration/career) 或通过访问就业服务中心. 另一方面,许多学生找到了他们的 own internship sponsor through faculty advisors, family members, or alumni 联系人 or simply by approaching an organization or office directly.

学生也可以申请 莱文实习奖项 in American Government, Politics, and Law. These internship awards honor the memory of Erwin L. 莱文,他是火博体育政府的成员 Department professor of American politics and law from 1961 until his retirement in 1988. The awards are offered on a competitive basis to students interning in the fields 美国政府和政治. 火博体育任何专业或辅修的学生都可以 应用. The summer award is a cash stipend up to $4,500. 请按此下载 莱文实习奖申请. There are also two full-semester internship programs and a summer program.

  • 华盛顿学期项目
    Each year several juniors or seniors are selected to attend a one-semester program 在华盛顿特区.C., where they attend seminars and classes at American University, hold internships at various congressional and agency offices, complete a major independent project, and receive academic credit for a full semester of courses. 有兴趣的同学请联系 校外学习与交流办公室.
  • 纽约州议会和参议院 实习
    The New York State Legislature offers students a chance to participate in state government and the legislative 过程 by interning at the State Capitol. 学生有机会 to get involved in state government and gain firsthand knowledge of the legislative 过程. Interns work a minimum of 30 hours for Assembly and Senate members doing research and other tasks in the members' offices. 实习生也要上一堂火博体育New的课 约克的政治和立法程序. 此外,实习生还可获得4120美元的津贴 in Spring 2009) for participating in the internship. The internship is only available in the spring semester, and the 的最后期限 is October 31. Interested students should contact 教授essor Turner.
  • State of New York Executive Chamber Internship Program
    This program offers an outstanding opportunity for motivated college juniors, seniors, and new (or recent) graduates to gain real-world government experience working closely 和州长的幕僚在一起. The 的最后期限 for 应用ing for the summer program is April 1. 更多信息请点击这里.


点击这里看教授. 鲍勃·特纳的网站

名字 描述/截止日期 位置 资格
促进实习 A variety of各种.C.-based grants and fellowships to study a variety of subjects; focus 火博体育美国政治. 截止日期见网站. 国际和U.S. 本科生 不同
布鲁金斯研究所 布鲁金斯学会 is one of the oldest and most prominent research organizations, offering fellowships and internships in a variety of different fields depending on availability. 截止日期见网站. U.S. 本科生 视项目而定
查尔斯•克. 科赫暑期研究员计划—Public Policy 实习 查尔斯G号. 科赫暑期研究员计划 combines a paid public policy internship with two career-skills seminars and weekly policy lectures. 有两种政策路径: 州政策和联邦政策. 1月下旬截止日期. U.S. Undergraduates entering their junior or senior year; graduate students, law students 最近的毕业生. 1500美元的津贴加上住房补助
能源部(DOE)学者计划 The 能源部学者计划 offers summer internships with stipends of up to $650 per week depending on academic status to undergraduates, graduate students, and post-graduates at accredited institutes of higher education. 1月31日截止日期. U.S. 公民需要 Undergraduates, graduate students, and post-graduates 每周津贴高达650美元
能源部(DOE)学者计划—Paid 实习 The 能源部学者计划 offers summer internships with stipends of up to $650 per week depending on academic status to undergraduates, graduate students, and post-graduates at accredited institutes of higher education. 1月31日截止日期. U.S. 公民需要 Undergraduates, graduate students, and post-graduates 每周津贴高达650美元
能源部(DOE)学者计划—志愿者 实习 The 能源部学者计划 offers summer internships with stipends of up to $650 per week depending on academic status to undergraduates, graduate students, and post-graduates at accredited institutes of higher education. 1月31日截止日期. U.S. 公民需要 Undergraduates, graduate students, and post-graduates 每周津贴高达650美元
移民政策研究所 The 移民政策研究所 (MPI) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank dedicated to the study of migration worldwide. 为本科生提供实习机会 are in the fields of research and editorial and communications. 截止日期见网站. U.S. 本科生 津贴
罗伯特F. 肯尼迪人权纪念中心 罗伯特·F. 肯尼迪人权纪念中心 (CHR) implements the vision of 卫士 by promoting the full spectrum of human rights both in the United States and 世界各地. 截止日期见网站. 华盛顿D.C. 本科生 看到网站
城市学院 Incumbents will conduct literature reviews, analyses, and programming tasks, as well as participate in reporting research findings and presenting data. 请参阅网站 的最后期限. U.S. 本科生 看到网站