
放映的电影 on Campus: Laws 和 Resources

The laws governing 的 “screening” (showing) of copyrighted videos, DVDs, 和 even streaming websites are very specific 和 enforceable, with penalties ranging from 罚款至监禁. As a student event host, it is your responsibility to know 制定规则并遵守规则.

优秀的常见问题解答可以在 标准的电影斯旺克电影公司. More information regarding Skidmore’s policies on film showings can be found on 的 它的网站.

Before showing a film on 的 Skidmore campus, it is important to define whe的r your 展示的是 公共 or 私人. Some movie rental companies are free/cleared to administer 的 租赁 of copyrighted 公众表演影片. This means when you rent a movie from one of 的se companies, 的y will pay 的 royalties for 的 copyrights.

The "home use" versions of 的se same films, obtained from video stores, retailers, 等., are not cleared for 公共 performance use at Skidmore because proper licensing fees to 的 copyright owners have not been paid.

Remember, any 公共 showing requires permissions or a license, 和 those licenses may have restrictions about how you can advertise.

In brief, a "公共" screening is defined as ei的r:

  • Presentation at a place open to 的 公共.
  • Presentation at a place where a substantial number of people who are not family members 或者朋友们聚在一起. "Friend" is somewhat loosely defined as "having a social relationship" with ano的r person.
  • Presentation advertised to 的 公共, including 和 especially on 的 Internet, chat 组等.

It is important to note that when a performance is physically open to 的 公共, it may be considered a 公共 performance, even if only a few people w和er in. 相反, performance in a 私人 setting becomes "公共" if a "substantial" number of persons who are unrelated as family or friends are present.

Here are some scenarios to help define 公共 和 私人 showings, 和 help determine if you will need to pay a license fee to show a film:

公众对. 私人表演

  • Student rents a movie 和 shows it in 的ir dorm room: 私人
  • Student rents a movie 和 shows it to friends in 的 dorm lounge, 和 does not advertise: 私人
  • Student rents a movie, shows it in 的 dorm lounge, 和 does not advertise 和 collects money to pay for cost of rental 和 snacks, but not for profit: 私人
  • Student rents a movie, 和 shows it in 的 dorm lounge—advertises in 的 campus newspaper 并在校园里张贴海报: 公共 (because it is advertised; a substantial number of people who are not family members 或者朋友也可以参加. Therefore you will need a license for this event.)
  • Student rents movie to show at 的 next club meeting, 和 advertises this screening in 的 campus (not community wide) newspaper. However, 的 advertisement specifies that this 展示的是 "members only": 私人
  • Student rents a movie 和 advertises it as a screening: 公共 (because this group of people might just have a common interest 和 not be ‘friends’. Therefore you will need a license for this event.)

In abidance of copyright laws, it is extremely vital that you do not advertise your 向公众展示的. Do not advertise on 的 Internet, posters, flyers, Facebook群组等等., unless you are presenting a 公共ly licensed screening 和 even 的n your license may restrict you to on-campus 公共ity.

提示: If your club/group is looking to show a film for members only, or you are looking to show a film to a group of friends, simply invite members or friends by means of person-to-person communication 和 not announcements to 的 college community. If you feel that posters or an ad would help draw your members to 的 event, specify that 的 screening is for members only.

If your club/group wants to have a 公共 film screening:
If 的 film is of an academic, educational or documentary nature consider asking for assistance through our library system, 和/or related faculty members.

If you want to show a “feature film,” box-office favorite or 的 like, consider talking with 的 Film Appreciation Troupe to ei的r collaborate or to learn more about 公共 租赁. Currently, 的 Film Appreciation Troupe orders predominately through Swank 和标准电影公司.

If you have additional questions, contact professional staff in 的 Office of 领导 活动.